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Test Kits YH6627
test kits YH6627
Multi-Function Jump Starter
Automobile emergency mobile power supply
Parts list:
1 × Switch cable
1 × Mobile phone connector cable
1 × notebook connector
1 × Home adaptor
1 × Car adaptor
1 × Jumper cable with battery clips
Trouble shooting:
Size: 160*75*28mm
Output: 5V…2A,12V…2A,19V…3.5A
Input: 1.2V…1A
Full charging time: 4 hours
Starting current:200A
Peak current:400A
Operating temperature: 0℃-60℃
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Product Detail

test kits YH6627

Multi-Function Jump Starter

Automobile emergency mobile power supply

Parts list:

1 × Switch cable

1 × Mobile phone connector cable

1 × notebook connector

1 × Home adaptor

1 × Car adaptor

1 × Jumper cable with battery clips

Trouble shooting:

Size: 160*75*28mm

Output: 5V…2A,12V…2A,19V…3.5A

Input: 1.2V…1A

Full charging time: 4 hours

Starting current:200A

Peak current:400A

Operating temperature: 0℃-60℃

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